Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I thought that I would share some of my favourite recent pic's ~
The first month or so, Crosby loved to sleep like this.....

Who me??!!
I love the look on Duke's he's laughing at the fact that Crosby thinks he can kick his butt! LOL!
Nothing but total cuteness on this one!


Like I said, they truly do get along and enjoy sleeping/cuddling together! We are so proud of Duke and the way he accepted Crosby into his life! I do have to wonder though, if they will plot against us ;D.

Crosby's first few months in pictures....

The night we took him home ~ as you can see, he got himself settled in pretty quickly!
Little cutie pie.....
It IS a dog's life
Me and the little man...
Handsome boy ~ taken about 2 weeks ago.
WOW!! I have definitely been shirking my puppy blog sorry!
We picked up Crosby on November 19th and he has been a joy/comedic relief/pain in the butt ever since.
He has had all of his shots and is edging over 25 pounds of of January 11th.
He is just starting to catch on to the house training bit (can we say, YAY!!??) and L-O-V-E-S to chew anything that is made of wood ( yes, trees, sticks, wooden furniture, etc.)
He and Duke are the best of play pals and love to tease each other with toys. Duke is our un-official "babysitter" as we don't know what we would do without Duke to keep him entertained and use up his energy.

Most of all? He puts a smile on our faces and our hearts! He is snuggling and holding right on to our furry family!

Monday, October 29, 2007

We went to see the litter of pups on the 20th ~ can we say CUTE??!? I wanted to take all 6 of them home with me!!!

Yes, I have pics.....
We will be going back around the 10th of November to "officially" pick out our l'il man!! I can't wait to see how much they have grown!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More Puppy Pic's!

We were looking at the website again and we saw that there were some new puppy pic's ~ Too cute! We absolutely adore the little chunker in the middle...we hope that he will be the one!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Dog is Getting Old....not quite!

Since reading Marley and Me, I have appreciated Duke so much more. I have been taking more and more pic's of him and I thought that I would share some~